Welcome to RoboWhizKids: Igniting Young Minds in AI and Robotics Courses!

At RoboWhizKids, we believe in empowering the next generation with the skills they need to thrive in the future. Our innovative AI and Robotics courses for kids are designed to make learning a thrilling adventure, combining education with excitement.

Our Best Courses

Python Basics

This course teaches you the basic concepts of Python programming, and you will also learn the basics of object-oriented programming.

Internet of Things

Students will have the opportunity to learn how to use Wi-Fi internet for managing internet-connected devices using Node MCU Board.

AI and 3D Designing

Students will have the opportunity to work on several AI-based projects at this level using building blocks and text (Python) programming.

Scratch Programming

Scratch programming for kids creates an engaging experience for children by offering a wide range of programs.

Cyber Security

Cyber security is a critical skill for the future. Children will learn to be safe, act responsibly online, and protect their identity and data.

Game Development

Game development is the process of creating video games, including everything from the concept and design to programming.

Benefits Of Our Courses

Kids develop logical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Kids develop a sense of empowerment and achievement.

The skills they gain will be valuable for the tech-driven world kids will grow up in.

Why Choose RoboWhizKids?

Engaging Curriculum

Our courses are crafted by experts to be both educational and entertaining. We ensure that every session is a captivating journey into the world of AI and robotics, sparking creativity and curiosity.

Hands-On Learning

We believe in learning by doing. Our courses provide hands-on experience, allowing kids to build and program their own robots. This practical approach not only reinforces theoretical knowledge but also instills a sense of accomplishment.

Qualified Instructors

Our passionate instructors are experts in their fields and are dedicated to nurturing your child's interest in AI and robotics. They provide personalized guidance, ensuring that every child progresses at their own pace.

Raving Reviews: Hear What Our Satisfied Students Have to Say

Ready To Join the RoboWhizKids Adventure?

Prepare your child for a future where innovation knows no bounds. Enroll them in RoboWhizKids' AI and Robotics courses today and watch as they embark on a journey of discovery, creativity, and endless possibilities.

Ignite their passion, and shape their future with RoboWhizKids!


Artificial Intelligence

Cyber Security

Scratch Programming

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